E-Learning Facilitator Team solution of Problems and Challenges in the distance education (University of Gharyan Case Study)
Journal ArticleThe new era of distance education opens up a new problem space for researchers to redefine educational needs. The COVID-19 lockdown with its tremendous consequences has affected the way of thinking and acting and has highlighted the merits of distance education. One of the most important of these problems is the inability of the lecturer technically to manage and present remote lectures, which resulted in the student's dissatisfaction with distance education. In this research, we have studied how to facilitate the work of the lecturer, who suffers from many problems, including the technical issues that need technical competencies in the field of information technology and modern technologies used in distance education, including the simulation system and displaying the system via the Internet, studying how to help the student also, in receiving distance education techniques and dealing with the programs used by the lecturer in skillfully presenting educational curricula. For that, the research focused on studying how to use a team to facilitate this work called the E-Learning Facilitator Team. This team plays a vital role in developing and maintaining an online program that is effective, and smooth, and that will support the realization of the planned learning outcomes. Faculty delivering courses online must be more than transmitters of knowledge; they must become facilitators of learning. Some highly seasoned instructors from the traditional on-ground environment will quickly adapt to the online model, while others may find the transition challenging at first [10].
Abdulhakim Mustafa Muktar TREKI, (08-2024), طرابلس - ليبيا: Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences, 2 (7), 1-6
Comparative Analysis for Radio Channel Propagation Models in the City of Tripoli/ Libya for 4G/LTE Networks
Journal Article.
Asma Mohamad Ali Abdurahman, Monera Elhashmi M. Salah, Khalid Aljledi, Maram Salah, (12-2023), International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research (IJECER): Electrical and Computer Engineering Research (ECER), 4 (3), 1-7
Improving the Quality of Engineering Education in Libya
Journal ArticleEngineering education has a crucial role in the economic and social development of society; this paper aims to investigate the most significant factors that contributing in improving the quality of the engineering education. Furthermore, identify the factors affecting the students’ academic performance. The study was conducted by using statistical Design of Experiments (DOE) approach to investigate the main effects of lecture delivery, assessment, engagement, communication, and interaction with instructors. Minitab software is implemented to perform statistical analysis to identify the significance of each factor, and degree by which each factor influences the students’ academic achievement. Results showed that the students’ academic performance is affected by the availability of course materials, and communications with instructors.
Almehdi Mohamed Almehdi Ibrahem, (03-2023), مجلة الاكاديمية الليبية: الاكاديمية الليبية, 1 (1), 463-466
Solving a Bi-criteria Scheduling Problem of cellular Flowshop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times
Journal ArticleThis paper addresses a bi-criteria optimization problem to minimize total flow time and makespan simultaneously for a cellular flowshop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times (FMCSP with SDSTs); A multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) and a Multi-objective Simulated Annealing (MOSA) Algorithm are proposed to solve the proposed problem. furthermore, an improved algorithm (named as IMPSO-TA), where MPSO is combined with Threshold Acceptance (TA) algorithm to improve the convergence of the obtained Pareto Fronts. The proposed algorithms are evaluated using several Quality Indicators (QI) measures for multi-objective optimization problems. Results showed that proposed algorithms can generate approximated Pareto Fronts in a reasonable CPU time. Furthermore, quality of Pareto fronts generated by IMPSO-TA is better than Pareto fronts found by MPSO and MOSA based on the test problems that are used in this research at the cost of CPU time. Further, the proposed IMPSO-TA performs as best available algorithms in the literature for small and medium test problems with a very minor deviation for best results for large test problems.
Almehdi Mohamed Almehdi Ibrahem, (03-2023), Azzaytuna University Journal: جامعة الزيتونه, 145 (1), 375-608
The Challenges Faced with The Rapid Transition from Traditional to Distance Education
Conference paperTraditional education depends on a set of basic elements, the most important of which are the educational curriculum, the lecturer, and the student, but these basic elements have been added to a new element in distance education, which is the electronic environment. During the COVID19 pandemic that began at the end of 2019 and the rapid transformation from traditional education to distance education and the involvement of distance education in implementing pre-prepared educational plans. This rapid transformation, in which the elements of education were not developed and not prepared in advance, led to the emergence of some problems in the educational outputs. Distance education, although its basic elements are the same as those of traditional education, the method of implementing it differed by introducing a new essential element, which is the electronic environment through which educational plans are implemented. In this research paper, the most important and influential actors in the educational process of distance learning and the problems resulting from this rapid transformation will be studied, then find appropriate solutions to keep pace with the development in the educational process, through an evaluation study of the experience of the Faculty of Science at Gharyan University. The results of this research will be useful to implement changes in the educational system and to meet the requirements of modern educational standards for higher education.
عبدالحكيم مصطفى المختار التريكي, (03-2022), الزاوية - ليبيا: المؤتمر العلمي االول لتقنية المعلومات وعلوم الحاسوب كلية تقنية المعلومات – جامعة الزاوية, 1-21
AN IMPORTANT MODEL IN DESIGN OF TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY OFFICES أحد النماذج المهمة في تصميم مكاتب نقل التكنولوجيا
Conference paperSince the last century, universities in developed countries have begun to work on technology transfer. Thus, the process of marketing the technologies discovered by those universities became an engine of economic growth, as these universities played a significant role in bringing innovative ideas to the market. Since then, technology transfer activities that were previously practiced by elite universities have received attention due to increasing university revenues, creating research links between academia and industry.
In this paper, we review the aspects related to the process of technology transfer in terms of its importance, and its model of work in universities, starting with the phase of discovering and evaluating the invention, the phase of patenting, and ending with the phase of marketing. The working mechanism of Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and the infrastructure necessary to establish these offices and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation centers in universities to perform their role effectively is also highlighted. The research aims to design an optimal dynamic and flexible model of the TTO at the University of Gharyan rearranging some traditional components and establish additional innovation pathways and make it more effective.
Keywords:Technology Transfer Office (TTO); Technological Transfer models; economic development.
عبدالحكيم مصطفى المختار التريكي, (11-2021), غريان: المؤتمر الاول لريادة الاعمال, 1-6
دراسة تأتير بودرة حجر البازلت على خواص الخرسانة
مقال في مؤتمر علميالـــــــــــــــــــــــــملخص
أح وف أن م ع ال اء، وم وال سة ال ال ه ة في م ه م ال العل ة م سان الإضافات ال تع
سعى ل عام ، ولق ة سان آت ال في لل ال ة للع ادة ال ت الإضافات ال ا م
ة، مع ارد ال لى لل ار م ق إس ل إلى ص ول لل ال في مع اع ال ن في ق اص الإخ
فادة ورة الاس ار إلى ض ه الأن ج ا ت حاول ا ال الات، و في ه ى ال ي الهائل في ش ق ر ال ال
اء مها س ي تق ة ال ي ا الع ا ات وال ان للإم ا ل، ن ل الأم ال ارها اولة إس ة وم ارد ال ال م
ة. ة أو ال اد الإق
درة ة ب جه على ه ه لإخ ا ت ال ازل ال ام إضافة مادة ح إس اول م ا رسة ت ه ال ه
على اع ادر لا ت ه ال ل ه ام ل إن إعادة الإس ل ، ح قل أو أقل مة الاس رجة نع ة ب ناع
ة اد الأول ة ال ال ن ها في إس فادة م الإس ا في م ، و أ ة ف ارد ال ال حفا
د رة إلى ل ب ن على ش ال ازل ل ال اس ة. أ ة العاد رتلان ة ال سانة الإس مة في ال ال
تق ت ون إضافات، ح ة ب ج ة ال ل ال ائج ومقارنة ال ة الاس ن ه 15 % م ل ن ما
ة ل قابل ي ت ة وال ل ع ا ا رت ال الاخ د م ء ع إج ا ة سانة العاد ال خل ائ ائل على خ ه ال ه
رة ا درجة ال ار) وتأث (الان اش ال غ ة ال ، ق غ ة ال اص، ق ة الام ل، ن غ ال
اح امها ب ة إعادة اس ان م ات و فا ال ع م ا ال ه فادة م الاس ة و م ائج م ل ل ص ولل
. الاس ها مقارنة لف لقلة ت ة و ذل سان ات ال ل في ال ئي للإس يل ج ك
رجة ضها ل تع ع ل و ق غ ى 15 % ا زدت مقاومة ال ة الإحلال ح ا ا زدت ن ل أنه ال ج و ي
اء. اص لل ة إم وأقل ن اش م غ أعلى مقاومة ش ل ة، و ل 100 درجة م رة ت
خالد محمد عمرو أمحمد، (12-2020)، جامعة النجم الساطع - المؤتمر الدولي السادس - حالة الخريطة: جامعة النجم الساطع، 1-10
An overview for network future development in a rapid expansion city
Conference paperAbstract— The optimized methods for a forecasting demand have been discussed among researchers to overview the most sufficient need in a rapid expansion city. The methods developed test and compare between all interrelated issues. Many variables are involved in the calculation of energy future demand, the prediction makes aggressive result to achieved requirements. After discussing proposed research methods a suitable and accurate approach is elected to be applied for any city to satisfy the public demand. The objectives of this research are to overview all the methods of forecasting of the electrical demand using different approaches , and come out with the most optimum suitable procedure in the field of electrical network for long and short terms. The result indicates a brilliant analysis with high contribution in the electrical industry, will find its application in a global rapid expansion city. The methods show a tradeoff between cost, reliability and complexity of operations regardless of energy generated.
Abdulhakim Mustafa Muktar TREKI, (03-2018), Tripoli - Libya: Libyan International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technologies (LICEET2018) 3 – 7 March 2018, Tripoli - Libya, 117-120
Pedestrian Gap Acceptance and Crossing Decision outside Crossing Facilities along Urban Streets in Malaysia: A Case Study of Rughaya Street, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Journal ArticleAbstract
Walking considered as one of the safest modes of
travel available, sustainable to human society as well as
environmentally beneficial. In this context, the aim of this
research is to investigate pedestrians’ traffic gap acceptance
and crossing decision for Mid-block Street crossing in urban
areas in Malaysia. Pedestrian crossing behaviour at
Rughaya Street has been examined in terms of the decision
to cross or not the street and size of traffic gaps accepted by
pedestrian, as well as the related contributing factors. A
field study was conducted to collect the data of pedestrians’
decisions under real mix traffic Condition using video
camera on a typical unsignalized urban street section. JPEG
files were obtained from video recording by using Snapshot
Wizard software. The data extracted included traffic
characteristics such as traffic size, traffic speed, etc.
pedestrian individual characteristics such as gender, in
addition to individual behavior such as waiting, frequency
of attempt, etc.). Furthermore, The extracted data were
used to develop and examine a pedestrian gap acceptance
model based on A lognormal regression model and binary
logistic model by SPSS (22) in order to validate the impact
of various parameters on the size of traffic gaps accepted by
pedestrians as well as the effect on the decision of
pedestrians to cross the street or not. So that the effect of
the gap accepted available and of other factors on the
decision of pedestrians to cross the street or not is examined.
These results indicate that the data set for this particular
location has a majority of male pedestrians which were
insignificant variables in both models moreover a lognormal
regression results shows that accepted gaps size depend on
traffic size, crossing distance, speed of approaching vehicle
and time spent by pedestrian at the curb waiting for a
suitable gap size to start crossing. The BL model performs
well for the reason that it captures the pedestrian decision
making process with traffic taking the relevant attributes
into consideration. According to the coefficients of BL
regression analysis equation we noticed that the illegal
parking, traffic size, traffic waiting time and gap size are the
vital attributes for the Pedestrian gap acceptance model..
Index Terms: Pedestrian crossing, gap acceptance, crossing
decision, multiple linear regression, binary logistic
Issam Omran m.f alajnaf, Moftah Masoud Almadani, Khaled Mohammad A Emhamed, (12-2016), ماليزيا: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 1 (3), 18-22
A physical and compact model of Extremely Scaled MOSFET Devices for Circuit Simulation
Conference paperA new physical, compact and continuous Model for extremely Scaled MOSFET Device is formulated, based on the Maxwellian approximation where the electron temperature is controlled by acoustic phonon scattering which simultaneously includes the hot electrons and the thermoelectric effects. The demonstration involving predicted current voltage characteristics and ring oscillator propagation delays reveals a significant benefit of velocity overshoot is also presented for circuit simulation. The extracted model describes current characteristics from linear to saturation operating regions with a single IV expression, and guarantees the continuities of Ids, conductance and their derivative throughout all Vgs, Vbs and Vds bias conditions. The model has been implemented in the circuit simulation such as HSPICE, Smart Spice and BSIM4v6. The new model has extensive built-in dependencies of important dimensional and processing parameters. Furthermore, the model accounts for all the major physical effects of the MOSFET characteristics.
Abdulhakim Mustafa Muktar TREKI, (03-2009), TUNISIA: IEEE, 1-6