E-Learning Facilitator Team solution of Problems and Challenges in the distance education (University of Gharyan Case Study)
Journal Article

The new era of distance education opens up a new problem space for researchers to redefine educational needs. The COVID-19 lockdown with its tremendous consequences has affected the way of thinking and acting and has highlighted the merits of distance education. One of the most important of these problems is the inability of the lecturer technically to manage and present remote lectures, which resulted in the student's dissatisfaction with distance education. In this research, we have studied how to facilitate the work of the lecturer, who suffers from many problems, including the technical issues that need technical competencies in the field of information technology and modern technologies used in distance education, including the simulation system and displaying the system via the Internet, studying how to help the student also, in receiving distance education techniques and dealing with the programs used by the lecturer in skillfully presenting educational curricula. For that, the research focused on studying how to use a team to facilitate this work called the E-Learning Facilitator Team. This team plays a vital role in developing and maintaining an online program that is effective, and smooth, and that will support the realization of the planned learning outcomes. Faculty delivering courses online must be more than transmitters of knowledge; they must become facilitators of learning. Some highly seasoned instructors from the traditional on-ground environment will quickly adapt to the online model, while others may find the transition challenging at first [10].

Abdulhakim Mustafa Muktar TREKI, (08-2024), طرابلس - ليبيا: Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences, 2 (7), 1-6

An Optimized Image Watermarking Technique Based on LU Factorization and Entropy Analysis
Journal Article

An optimized image watermarking technique based on LU factorization and entropy analysis in combination with lifting wavelet transform and discrete cosine transform is presented in this paper. At first, the original image is decomposed by a 2-level lifting wavelet transform for obtaining the coefficients of a high-frequency subband followed by discrete cosine transform. Afterward, non-overlapping blocks are obtained by dividing the coefficients of discrete cosine transform whereas LU factorization is applied to each nonoverlapping blocks based on pseudo-random sequences. Then, the watermark is embedded into the first row, the first column element of the upper triangular matrix of LU factorization. The normalized cross-correlation (NC), and the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) are used to evaluate the invisibility and robustness of the presented technique. The experimental results have indicated that the presented technique fulfills all watermarking requirements in terms of invisibility, robustness, security, and capacity. The comparison with the existing scheme has shown that the proposed watermarking technique has a superior performance in terms of invisibility than the existing scheme.

Omar Moftah Ibrahim Abodena, (07-2024), AL-JAMEAI: مجلة الجامعي, 39 (2), 21-38

Comparative Analysis for Radio Channel Propagation Models in the City of Tripoli/ Libya for 4G/LTE Networks
Journal Article


Asma Mohamad Ali Abdurahman, Monera Elhashmi M. Salah, Khalid Aljledi, Maram Salah, (12-2023), International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research (IJECER): Electrical and Computer Engineering Research (ECER), 4 (3), 1-7

Improving the Quality of Engineering Education in Libya
Journal Article

Engineering education has a crucial role in the economic and social development of society; this paper aims to investigate the most significant factors that contributing in improving the quality of the engineering education. Furthermore, identify the factors affecting the students’ academic performance. The study was conducted by using statistical Design of Experiments (DOE) approach to investigate the main effects of lecture delivery, assessment, engagement, communication, and interaction with instructors. Minitab software is implemented to perform statistical analysis to identify the significance of each factor, and degree by which each factor influences the students’ academic achievement. Results showed that the students’ academic performance is affected by the availability of course materials, and communications with instructors.

Almehdi Mohamed Almehdi Ibrahem, (03-2023), مجلة الاكاديمية الليبية: الاكاديمية الليبية, 1 (1), 463-466

Solving a Bi-criteria Scheduling Problem of cellular Flowshop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times
Journal Article

This paper addresses a bi-criteria optimization problem to minimize total flow time and makespan simultaneously for a cellular flowshop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times (FMCSP with SDSTs); A multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) and a Multi-objective Simulated Annealing (MOSA) Algorithm are proposed to solve the proposed problem. furthermore, an improved algorithm (named as IMPSO-TA), where MPSO is combined with Threshold Acceptance (TA) algorithm to improve the convergence of the obtained Pareto Fronts. The proposed algorithms are evaluated using several Quality Indicators (QI) measures for multi-objective optimization problems. Results showed that proposed algorithms can generate approximated Pareto Fronts in a reasonable CPU time. Furthermore, quality of Pareto fronts generated by IMPSO-TA is better than Pareto fronts found by MPSO and MOSA based on the test problems that are used in this research at the cost of CPU time. Further, the proposed IMPSO-TA performs as best available algorithms in the literature for small and medium test problems with a very minor deviation for best results for large test problems.

Almehdi Mohamed Almehdi Ibrahem, (03-2023), Azzaytuna University Journal: جامعة الزيتونه, 145 (1), 375-608

Identifying the Effect of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Parameters on the Quality of 304L Stainless Steel Weldments Using Taguchi Method
Conference paper

An attempt has been made to evaluate the effect of welding parameters on the weld penetration, weld bead width and heat effective zone of Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welded 2 mm 304L stainless steel joints. The welding parameters including arc current, welding travel speed and gas flow rate were used to achieve the optimum joint. Taguchi technique has been implemented to optimize the welding parameters. Orthogonal array L9 (Three factors with three levels 3x3) was used to study the effect of arc current, welding travel speed and gas flow rate on the quality of 304 stainless steel welds. Signal to a noise ratio (SNR) and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) are also used to determine the main effects of different welding parameters on the weld bead width (WB), weld penetration (WP) and heat affected zone (HAZ). Results showed that welding current has significant effect, whereas gas flow rate showed no effect on the quality of 304Lwelded joints. Welding current of 185A, welding speed of 135mm/min and gas flow rate of 15lit/min have been selected as the best process parameter of weld bead width and weld penetration at level three of experiment seven. However, the optimum process parameter for heat affected zone are level one experimental three at165 A, 235 mm/min, 15 lit/min of welding arc current ,travel speed and gas feeding rate, respectively.

Jamal Mohamed Abdullah Khalil, Hasan Abdalla Mohamed Elhaji, Hassan Ramadan Faraj Zaid, (09-2022), 1st Libyan International Conference of Applied Science and Engineering: المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية,

دراسة جودة بعض مصادر المياه بمدينة غريان
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

يعتبر الماء من المصادر الرئيسية للحياة ، و تعتبر المناطق الجبلية ذات الجفاف الشديد في أغلب الاحيان من

اكتر المناطق اعتمادا على مياه الآبار الجوفية و مياه العيون ، ونظرا لاختلاف التكوينة الجيولوجية لطبقات

الارض و كذلك اتجاه معظم السكان لا تخاد الابار السوداء لتصريف مياه الصرف الصحي، مما يدعوا للشك

بتسرب هذه المياه و اختلاطها بالمياه الجوفية وبذلك وجب إجراء بعض الاختبارات و التجارب اللازمة عليها.

حيث تناول هذا البحت دراسة جودة المياه لمدينة غريان ، لهدف التحقق من مدي صلاحية هذه المياه للشرب

والاستخدامات الأخرى ، حيث تم أخد عينات من مصدرين وهما مياه أبار جوفية ومياه عيون ، وأجريت لهم

تحاليل كيميائية وبيولوجية ، وكان عدد العينات لمياه الآبار الجوفية ) 14 ( عينة ، أما العيون فكان عددهم ) 3 )

عينات ،حيث تم تقدير تركيز كل من ) الأملاح الذائبة الكلية، الأس الهيدروجيني، الموصلية الكهربائية

،الكالسيوم ، الماغنيسيوم ، البوتاسيوم ، البيكربونات ، الكلوريد ، الكبريتات ،العسر الكلي ، القلوية الكلية

البكتيريا القولونية ، بكتيريا إيشيريشياكولاي ، بكتيريا إنتيروكوكس فانيكاليس ( . وبينت الدراسة بأن نتائج الآبار

كنتائج جميع العينات مطابقة للمواصفات الليبية القياسية في تركيز الأس الهيدروجيني والبوتاسيوم والبيكربونات،

وغير مطابقة للمواصفات في تركيز العسر الكلي ، أما تركيز الاملاح الكلية كانت مطابقة في 42 % من الآبار ،

والموصلية في 64 % من الآبار ، والكلوريد في 71 % من الآبار ،.والقلوية في 64 % من الآبار ،الكالسيوم

مطابق في معظم الآبار ماعدا في بئر واحد ، والصوديوم أيضا مطابق في معظم الآبار ماعدا في بئرين فقط ،

ويرجع ارتفاع تركيز هذه العناصر في بعض الآبار ربما إلى طبيعة المنطقة وتركيبها الجيولوجي أو قربها من

مياه الصرف الصحي ، أما بالنسبة للتحاليل البيولوجية فكان تركيز البكتيريا القولونية مطابق في 71 % من

الآبار ،و بكتيريا إيشيريشياكولاي مطابق ماعد في بئر واحد ، وبكتيريا انتير وكوكس أيضا مطابق ماعدا في بئر

واحد ، وهذا من الممكن أن يكون نتج على تسرب مياه الصرف الصحي إلي هذه الآبار .

أما بالنسبة لنتائج العيون كانت جميع العينات مطابقة للمواصفات الليبية القياسية في والكلوريد و الكبريتات

وقيم الأس الهيدروجيني ، أما في تركيز الأملاح الذائبة فكانت مطابقة للمواصفات الليبية القياسية في عينة واحدة

فقط .

خالد محمد عمرو أمحمد، إبراهيم فرج السنوسي دوفان، (06-2022)، جامعة طرابلس: المؤتمر الوطني التاسع لمواد البناء والهندسة الإنشائ ية، 1-12

The Challenges Faced with The Rapid Transition from Traditional to Distance Education
Conference paper

Traditional education depends on a set of basic elements, the most important of which are the educational curriculum, the lecturer, and the student, but these basic elements have been added to a new element in distance education, which is the electronic environment. During the COVID19 pandemic that began at the end of 2019 and the rapid transformation from traditional education to distance education and the involvement of distance education in implementing pre-prepared educational plans. This rapid transformation, in which the elements of education were not developed and not prepared in advance, led to the emergence of some problems in the educational outputs. Distance education, although its basic elements are the same as those of traditional education, the method of implementing it differed by introducing a new essential element, which is the electronic environment through which educational plans are implemented. In this research paper, the most important and influential actors in the educational process of distance learning and the problems resulting from this rapid transformation will be studied, then find appropriate solutions to keep pace with the development in the educational process, through an evaluation study of the experience of the Faculty of Science at Gharyan University. The results of this research will be useful to implement changes in the educational system and to meet the requirements of modern educational standards for higher education.

عبدالحكيم مصطفى المختار التريكي, (03-2022), الزاوية - ليبيا: المؤتمر العلمي االول لتقنية المعلومات وعلوم الحاسوب كلية تقنية المعلومات – جامعة الزاوية, 1-21

Evaluation of Microstructure and Hardness of AISI D2 Steel by Time Quenching in Comparison with Water and Oil Quenching
Journal Article

Due to an account of its excellent hardness and wear behavior, AISI D2 is used widely in producing of blanking and cold-forming dies, Punches, Shafts, Studs, and Bolts. Increasing toughness at a fixed high level of hardness is growing requirement for this kind of applications. Improving microstructure characteristics, especially carbides distribution by specific heat treatment, is an appropriate way to meet such requirement. The effect of quenching media on microstructure and hardness of pre-heated and austentized (at 980oC) AISI-D2 tool steel has been studied, and hardness and carbides morphology have been investigated. Three different medias, water, oil and water/oil (time quenching) have been used, then all samples were followed by the same tempering 350oC/1 hour. It has been found that the optimal carbides distribution and optimum hardness have been resulted from a time quenching method.

Hassan Ramadan Faraj Zaid, Hassan Ramadan Faraj Zaid, (12-2021), جامعة مصراته: IJEIT ON ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 8 (1), 25-28

دور الهندسة العكسية في تعزيز ونجاح المشاريع الريادية في ليبيا
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

تواجه الاعمال الرائدة على مستوى الشركات والافراد مشكلة إمتلاك الفكرة الاساسية لتصنيع منتًج مُعين او ما يسمى نموذج No How” " الذي يهدف أساسا الى تحديد مواصفات المنتًج النهائي بإستخدام أسلوب الهندسة العكسية.

إن من أهم التحديات التي تواجه رائد الاعمال هو كيفية تفادي المخاطرة وإدارة المشروع بشكل سليم بعيدا عن شبح الخسارة وعدم اللجوء الى شراء ال No How  لذا سيكون من المهم جدا إيجاد مخرج بتتبع سيرة المنتج بداية من تركيبه الكيميائي وصولا الى طريقة عمله مرورا بكل العمليات التقنية والانتاجية التي تضمن تقديم منتجات ذات جودة عالية .

تستعرض هذا الورقة نموذج ال No How  المبني أساسا على مفاهيم الهندسة العكسية والتي من شأنها أن تساعد رائد الاعمال لتقديم مشروع ريادي من خلال نقل التقنية وإجراء مجموعة من الاختبارات والتحاليل المعملية حتى يصل المُنتَج الى مراحله الاخيرة في الاختبارات الحقيقية التي تؤكد صلاحية المنتَج لاداء وظيفته بما يتماشى مع الموصفات العالمية.

وقد تم تطبيق النموذج المقترح لصناعة موس قطع قضبان حديد التسليح وفق مفاهيم وأُسس الهندسة العكسية كحالة دراسية قام بها طلبة قسم هندسة علوم المواد والمعادن بكلية الهندسة ، جامعة غريان تأكيدا لأهمية دور المؤسسات التعليمية في خدمة المجتمع وفتح المجال امام بعض المشاريع الريادية ودعم السوق الليبي بمنتجات تتوافق مع المواصفات العالمية.

حسن رمضان فرج زائد، (11-2021)، المؤتمر العلمي الاول لريادة الاعمال: جامعة غريان، 82-86

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